
Privacy Policy/Cookie Policy

We understand that your privacy and the security of your personal information is extremely important. This notice sets out what we do with your personal information, what we do to keep it secure, from where and how we collect it, as well as your rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you.

This policy applies if you interact with us over the phone, online, through our mobile applications or otherwise by using any of our website or interacting with us on social media (our “Services”).

  • Your personal information is only used by Russell Thompson Consulting Limited.
  • Currently, we do not use third parties to process your personal information on our behalf.
  • You have a number of rights over your personal information. How you can exercise these rights is set out in this notice.
  • Currently, we don’t send direct marketing. If you receive direct marketing claiming to originate from Russell Thompson Consulting Limited, please contact us.
  • We also display online advertising relating to our products and services on our website and across on other websites and online media channels.

Who we are

When we say we or us throughout this policy, we are solely referring to Russell Thompson Consulting Limited, a company registered in England and Wales and trading from 5 Redthorn Road, Sheffield, S13 8UF, England.  Registered number 8751942

What sorts of personal information do we hold?

  • Information that you provide to us such as your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, and any feedback you give to us, including by phone, email, post, or when you communicate with us via social media;
  • Information about the services that we provide to you (including for example, the things we have provided to you, when and where, what you paid, the way you use our products and services, and so on);
  • Your account login details for our services, including your user name and chosen password;
  • Information about whether or not you want to receive marketing communications from us; ;
  • Information about how you use our Services. For example, we try to identify which of our apps you use and when and how you use them. If you use our websites, we try to identify when and how you use those websites too;
  • Your contact details and details of the emails and other electronic communications you receive from us, including whether that communication has been opened and if you have clicked on any links within that communication. We want to make sure that our communications are useful for you, so if you don’t open them or don’t click on any links in them, we know we need to improve our Services; and

Our Legal Basis for processing your personal information.

Whenever we process your personal information we have to have something called a “legal basis” for what we do. The different legal bases we rely on are:

  • Consent: You have told us you are happy for us to process your personal information for a specific purpose;
  • Legitimate interests: The processing is necessary for us to conduct our business, but not where our interests are overridden by your interests or rights.
  • Performance of a contract: We must process your personal information in order to be able to provide you with one of our products or services;
  • Prevention of fraud: Where we are required to process your data in order to protect us and our customers from fraud or money laundering;
  • Vital interests: The processing of your personal information is necessary to protect you or someone else’s life;
  • Public information: Where we process personal information which you have already made public;
  • Legal claims: The processing of your personal information is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity; and
  • Legal obligation: We are required to process your personal information by law.

How do we use your personal information?

There are a number of ways in which we use your personal information, depending on how you interact with us. If you do not provide your information to us, then we will be unable to interact with you in that way – for example, if you do not provide your name, address and account details when contracting for one of our services, we will not be able to sell you that product as we would be unable to process your payment or deliver the service to you.

We may use your information in the following ways:

To provide our products and services – we need to use your personal information to make our products and services available to you. If you then decide to order any of our products or services then we’re delighted, thank you. After that, we need to provide them to you and process your payment. We need to use your details to do all this.

For safety and security – we use your personal information to help provide safe and secure environments for our businesses to be conducted. This is to prevent fraud and to help you use our services appropriately.

Analytics and profiling – we use your personal information for statistical analysis and to help us understand more about our customers. That includes understanding the products and services you contract for and the manner in which you use them. This helps us to serve you better and to find ways to improve our services and  website.

Contacting you – we use your personal information to contact you: either to conduct market research or to contact you about products and services. We may also contact you in relation to any questions you have raised with us or to discuss the status of your contract with us.

Cookies and similar technologies

We use cookies to streamline your experience when browsing this website, to provide social media features, automatic sign-ins, product recommendations and to analyse our traffic. We will also share information on how you use our site with official analytic providers.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Keeping you informed about our products and services

In the future, we would like to tell you about new products and services of Russell Thompson Consulting Limited from time to time that we think you might be interested in. Where we have your consent or it is in our legitimate interests to do so, we may do this through the post, by email, text message or by any other electronic means.

We won’t send you marketing messages if you tell us not to, but if you receive a service from us we will still need to send you occasional service-related messages. If you wish to amend your marketing preferences, you can do so by contacting your Client Director.

You have a number of rights under data protection legislation which, in certain circumstances, you may be able to exercise in relation to the personal information we process about you.

These include:

  • the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold about you;
  • the right to correction of inaccurate personal information we hold about you;
  • the right to restrict our use of your personal information;
  • the right to be forgotten;
  • the right of data portability; and
  • the right to object to our use of your personal information.

Where we rely on consent as the legal basis on which we process your personal information, you may also withdraw that consent at any time.

If you are seeking to exercise any of these rights, please contact us via your Client Director. Please note that we will need to verify your identity before we can fulfil any of your rights under data protection law. This helps us to protect the personal information belonging to our customer against fraudulent requests.

How long will we keep your personal information for?

We will keep your personal information for the purposes set out in this privacy policy and in accordance with the law and relevant regulations. We will never retain your personal information for longer than is necessary. In most cases, our retention period will come to an end 7 years after the end of your relationship with us.

We take protecting your personal information seriously and are continuously developing our security systems and processes. Some of the controls we have in place are:

  • We limit user access to our systems to only those that we believe are entitled to have that access;
  • We use technology controls for our information systems, such as firewalls, user verification, strong data encryption, and separation of roles, systems & data;
  • Systems are proactively monitored through a “detect and respond” information security function;
  • We utilize industry “good practice” standards to support the maintenance of a robust information security management system

If you would like to exercise one of your rights as set out in the “Your rights” or “Automated decision making and profiling” sections above, or you have a question or a complaint about this policy, or the way your personal information is processed, please contact your Client Director or the Company Director at

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK regulator, the Information Commissioner. Go to to find out more.

Policy Change

This privacy policy was most recently updated in August 2018. If we make changes to it, then we will take appropriate steps to bring those changes to your attention.